Presents examples of 104 real essays by college hopefuls, along with advice from admission officers from top universities on what they look for when evaluating essays and applicants.
SECONDARY SCHOOL RECORD - TRANSCRIPT STUDENT INFORMATION SCHOOL INFORMATION Last Name First Name Middle Name School Name Murphy Penelope Anne Crosstown High School Home Address School Address 123 Main Street 456 School Street Parent or ...
40 Successful Personal Statements
하버드 입학 에세이 50(2ND EDITION)(하버드 대학 입학사정관들을 사로잡은)
C2 Education The Smarter College Essay Writing Guide 2010 Edition
For college-bound high school students and their families, a step-by-step, month-by-month guide to the college admissions process.
Written by a former social work admissions director at a top-ranking school of social work, this book helps master of social work (MSW) applicants improve their graduate school applications and decide which school of social work is right ...
This book consists of actionable advice from the author, from high school seniors admitted to highly selective colleges, and from two admissions officers, a comprehensive writing program with 30 activities, which include specific writing ...
Contains a comprehensive guide to writing effective college application essays.
With acceptance rates at colleges such as Stanford and Harvard being under 10 percent, students need to know how to craft a winning application. This book breaks the process down into easy-to-manage sections.