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Whether you are a puzzler, trivia buff, or just an information hound, the Random House Famous Name Finder can help you quickly and easily look up information on over 10,000 people from arts, sports,
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Four alphabetical indexes list people by last name, first name, nickname, and spouse, so it's easy to find concise biographical information on anyone from Thomas Aquinas to Thomas Pynchon, from the Queen of Crime (Agatha Christie) to the Queen of Mean (Leona Helmsley).
Listings include symphony conductors and rock musicians, politicians and businesspeople, television actors and film directors, novelists and athletes, and other famous figures from ancient history through today. Biographical entries include birth and death dates, nationality, and highlights from each person's life and career, and cross-referencing between indexes makes the book especially easy to use.
Chronicles of Border Warfare; Or, a History of the Settlement by the Whites of North-Western Virginia, and of the Indian...
After whites massacred black militia in South Carolina, Grant warned that unchecked persecution would lead to "bloody revolution." As violence spread, Grant struggled to position limited forces where they could do the most good.
Initial enthusiasm soon gave way to rancor, as factions split over where to place the fair. Grant favored Central Park, but public sentiment intervened, and funding evaporated. By March, Grant resigned.
Clive M. McCay and Jeanette B. McCay - History of Work with Soyfoods, the New York State Emergency Food Commission,...
Volume 2: Management, Use and Value of Wetlands Donal D. Hook, W. H. Mckee Jr, H. K. Smith, J. Gregory, V. G. Burrell Jr, ... Chapter Thirty - four AQUACULTURE IN MANGROVE WETLANDS : A PERSPECTIVE FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA James P. McVey ...
Michael S. Bisson , S. Terry Childs , Philip de Barros , and Augustin F. C. Holl , Ancient African Metallurgy : The Socio - Cultural Context ( Walnut Creek , Calif .: AltaMira Press , 2000 ) . Moses I. Finley , The Ancient Economy ...
The latter, Morgan argues, brought more autonomy to slaves and created conditions by which they could carve out an African ... Holton, Woody. Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, and Slaves and the Making of the American Revolution.
In the D. Emeis & K.H. Schmitt , Handbuch der Gemeindekatechese , northern German dioceses , the most commonly used 1986 • F.-P. Tebartz - van Elst , “ Gemeindliche Katechese , ” in : catechism was B.H. - Overberg's Katechismus der ...
... illus., 1620 Brooks, Philip, 314-15 Brower, Pauline, 316 Brown, Bradford, illus., 1778-79 Brown, Charnan, 317 Brown, Don, author/illus., 318 Brown, Drollene P., 319-20 Brown, Fern G., 321-23 Brown, Gene, 324-27 Brown, Jane Clark, ...
See LARRY SABATO , PAC POWER ( 1984 ) ( showing that only 17 % of corporate PACs do any shareholder solicitation ) ; Bernadette A. Budde , Business - Related Political Action Committees , 3 J. L. & POLITICS 440 , 456 ( 1987 ) . 48.