Provides profiles of more than 875 study abroad programs, covering such topics as choosing the best progam, financial aid, health and safety issues, college credit availability, eligibility requirements, and living arrangements.
Every student who wants to succeed in the global economy should study abroad. And every student who is considering studying abroad should read this book!
Drawing from experiences as a student studying abroad and, later, as a study abroad program leader, this book provides humorous anecdotes and practical advice on how you can have a safe, enriching, and rewarding experience abroad.
This book is a pivotal how-to-guide on flourishing when studying abroad and achieving career success.
This is the more practical side of actually leaving your home country on your trip abroad . Planning can make all of the difference in your experience . I have known students who planned too little and found that their scarce funds went ...
Study Abroad Map will guide you through every aspect of the international college experience, from before you leave to after you return.
Inside information and frank opinions from the best possible source--students themselves--makes this a one-of-a-kind guide to over 300 of the most rewarding study abroad programs.
A Guide to Studying Abroad Making the decision on whether or not to study abroad should be taken with care.
Well don't worry! In this book we explain all of the things that are necessary for an exceptional experience and what everyone should know when thinking about going abroad, and a bit more!
Most major countries in Europe are covered in their own chapter in this niche travel guide for the student/backpacking traveler.
IIEPassport Study Abroad Directory 2011