After a cocoon falls into her tea cup and unravels to form a long, delicate thread, Hsi-Ling Chi, a princess in ancient China, meets a mysterious man who reveals how to transform the cocoons into silk.
When Rosie finds a beautiful silk picture frame decorated with a little princess sitting on an elephant, she is soon whisked away on another adventure - this time in India. But she can't find the little princess.
They were now less than two months away from the great city of Chang'an , their destination , along a road protected from bandits by the wall and its garrisons of Chinese soldiers , from thirst by the streams flowing from the Nanshan ...
Beautifully told and arrestingly illustrated, here is a coming-of-age tale of a brave young princess whose clever plan will go on to live in legend -- and will ensure that her cherished home is with her always.
Chengli is an orphaned errand boy who lives in Chang'an China in 630 A.D. His mother has died from illness and his father is presumed dead after disappearing into the desert when Chengli was a baby.
When Rosie finds a beautiful silk picture frame decorated with a little princess sitting on an elephant, she is soon whisked away on another adventure - this time in India.
But by the time Achbar works his way through the tangle of paws and hooves, two other mice have already been selected. Achbar is terrified and does not want to be left behind! His survival instincts tell him to stow away.
Dear Reader, I'm so proud to introduce Gaelen Foley, a captivating new writer who will sweep you away with this unforgettable story of forbidden love and wondrous destiny.
These three stories were originally published under the titles Princess Florizella, Princess Florizella and the Wolves and Princess Florizella and the Giant.
Rosie can't wait to move to her Great-aunt Rosamund's castle in the Scottish Highlands.
In 9th-century China, a little girl sends a small jade pebble to travel with her father along the Silk Road, until it reaches the Republic of Venice, the end of the Silk Road, where a boy cherishes the pebble and sees the value of this gift ...