Weber's Real Grilling: Over 200 Original Recipes

Weber's Real Grilling: Over 200 Original Recipes
Cooking / Methods / Barbecue & Grilling
Oxmoor House
Jamie Purviance


For state-of-the-art outdoor cooking and entertainment, who better to turn to than the foremost authority on grills? With the experts from Weber taking you through the basics and beyond, you'll be sizzling in no time. Over 250 recipes show you the way with mouth-watering photography, simple-to-follow directions, can't miss techniques, and even substitution cheats. Flag your favorites-and there'll be plenty-with the handy enclosed Post-It notes. And yes, once they've sampled the savory results of your newfound grill skills, friends and family will be begging for your secrets. Just nod and say, 'It's all in the technique.'

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