For batten strips at vertical joints , you may use either wood slats or strips of the siding cut to the desired width . Intermediate batten strips can be used for design purposes . Some factory prefinished siding comes with matching ...
Once fresh plaster is dry , you can stick ceramic tiles on the wall — but always leave it for about six months before decorating with wallpaper or any paint other than new - plaster emulsion . Even then , you should use a masonry sealer ...
An indispensable guide for all major home improvements and repairs from the editors of Popular Mechanics. Color photographs and illustrations.
No matter what type of house, no matter where the repair, "Popular Mechanics" gives the do-it-yourselfer the know-how needed to do the work.
By performing any of the more than 90 maintenance and repair projects in these pages, you can avoid and fix minor problems and keep your car in perfect running order on your own.
Throughout the book Roy Berendsohn, Popular Mechanics’ senior home editor, answers questions about the trickiest fix-its, including how to deal with recurring ceiling cracks or get rid of that stench from the kitchen sink.
The book is written by the experts at Popular Mechanics, a trusted source of DIY information for over a century. This fourth volume in the series covers topics such as plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, painting, and more.
Popular Mechanics Home Appliance Repair Manual
Vehicle maintenance.
Popular Mechanics knows: there are two types of people in the world--those able to fix whatever goes bust, and those who beg the first group for help when something goes wrong.
This new edition has been updated with information on all the latest changes in products, techniques and regulations developed since the last edition (published in 2004).