It was a time of legend, when the last shadows of the mighty Roman conqueror faded from the captured Isle of Britain. While across a vast sea, bloody war shattered a peace that had flourished for two thousand years in the doomed kingdom of Atlantis. Taliesin is the remarkable adventure of Charis, the Atlantean princess who escaped the terrible devastation of her homeland, and of the fabled seer and druid prince Taliesin, singer at the dawn of the age. It is the story of an incomparable love that joined two worlds amid the fires of chaos, and spawned the miracles of Merlin...and Arthur the king.
The Compass is a life transformation novel that will guide you on a journey of self-discovery.
In the first volume to gather all of the poems from The Book of Taliesin since 1915, Gwyneth Lewis and Rowan Williams's accessible translation makes these outrageous, arrogant, stumbling and joyful poems available to a new generation of ...
Begins a series on architect Frank Lloyd Wright, with five essays on the house many consider his architectural self-portrait.
Taliesin and Taliesin West both included a residence for Wright and his family, a studio, living quarters for the apprentices of the Taliesin Fellowship, and communal rooms for dining, music,...
At this point, Lloyd Clark, a newspaper reporter with the Phoenix Gazelle, telephoned for an appointment with Wright. When he was shown into Wright's canvas-topped office at Taliesin West, some fifteen miles northeast of the city of ...
Through letters, memoirs, contemporary documents, and a stunning assemblage of photographs - many of which have never before been published - author Ron McCrea tells the fascinating story of the building of Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin, ...
Taliesin -- the country estate built by Frank Lloyd Wright between 1911 and 1959 -- has been a self-sufficient farm complex, a boarding school, a world-class architectural studio, and a...
During the Great Depression, there were few clients coming to Frank Lloyd Wright for designs, so he turned to writing and lecturing. In 1932, he and his wife, Olgivanna, began...
Despite the numerous studies of Frank Lloyd Wright's life and architecture, little has been published about his life in relation to the communities that dominated his life. Wright, a fervent...
For a discussion of Wright's disregard for moneyexcept as a means toward an artistic end — see Cronon , 25-27 . " Given his own perennial indifference to money , " writes Cronon , 27 , " one can almost imagine that he literally had ...