The former Reagan Administration press secretary offers inside information on the national and foreign events that profoundly influenced this country, as well as opinions on major political figures, other celebrities, and the First family
This is the first critical study of feminist practices of ‘speaking out’ in response to rape.
These are inspiring stories of overcoming adversity (against intolerance and homophobia) and experiencing life after "coming out.
Segal, Theodore David. “A New Genesis: The Silent Vigil at Duke University, April 5th–12th, 1968.” Senior honors thesis, Duke University, 1977. Sellers, Cleveland, with Robert Terrell. The River of No Return: The Autobiography of a ...
But, although conscious of the possibility for our voices to be reduced to a spectacle of Otherness, many of us persist in speaking out. It is with the full awareness of the risks inherent in the performances of self that we call ...
The Maid of the North: Feminist Folk Tales from around the World . ... Fearless Girls, Wise Women and Beloved Sisters: Heroines in Folktales from Around the World . New York: Norton. Ramanujan, A.K., ed. ... Asian Tales and Tellers .
Their examples, and voices, mixed with Vernons own make this book both a history and an embodiment of black speech at its finest, full of emotion, controlled force, righteous indignation, love of country, and awe in front of the challenges ...
This collection is an attempt to further cultivate the growing conversation about stand-up comedy from the perspective of the rhetorical tradition.
Combining the practical and theoretical, the text teaches students about verbal and nonverbal communication, how to research and present an argument, how to answer arguments, how to develop debate strategies and how to conduct a formal ...
Speaking Out in Vietnam shows that although we may think that the party-state represses public criticism, in fact Vietnamese authorities often tolerate and respond positively to such public and open protests.
The world was silent in the face of the mass murder of the Jews by the Nazis, and this silence made the murderers' work easier.