When, after a bizarre series of events, her best friend is accused of murdering her own baby brother and two other babies, Lauren, convinced of her friend's innocence, joins her in trying to solve the mystery and find evidence to clear her name.
The Babysitter is a story for Year 2/P3 for guided and independant reading. This book is part of Story Street. RRNN Book Band.
Dr. Lee Salk's Super Sitters: A Parent's Guide to Finding, Instructing and Keeping a Baby Sitter
Nat doesn't think he wants a baby-sitter until Mrs. Nibble arrives.
And if Keith is not . . . and might do the same thing again . . . what then should a father do? "Red Leaves is a story of broken trust and one man's heroic effort to hold fast the ties that bind him to everything he loves.
The Murmur of Stones: "Diana's certain her son didn't die accidentally - she's sure her husband murdered him. And she's going to prove it." -- Back cover.
When Kristy Thomas's mother decides to get married again, Kristy and her friends in the Baby-sitters Club have to cope with all the small children that her family and friends are bringing to the wedding.
Stacey must overcome health problems and her parents fighting.
When Mrs. Lowell, the Baby-sitters Club's newest client, shows a dislike for Claudia and refuses to hire her as a sitter, the other girls decide to find out why.
When Kristy sees how much her little brothers and sister want to play on a softball team, she starts a rag-tag team of her own. Baby-Sitters Club #20.
Stacey's in LUV-- with her twenty-two-year-old teacher!