Three decades after an arrogant island nation leader brings the world to the brink of destruction and is forced to back down, a group of men attempts to eliminate the aging dictator, unaware that he has a final card to play. Reprint.
This book explores the enigma of Cuba and the influence of Fidel Castro, the world's longest serving leader.
O'Sullivan and Beach : Early Annexationists Attempts to arrange annexation directed by individuals outside the government also proliferated up to the time of the U.S. Civil War . By 1847 the most prominent U.S. private citizens to ...
A year without Sundays: images from the literacy campaign in Cuba, anglais
"This report presents the main findings of [Castro, Cuba, and the World], R-3420, which provides a new profile of Fidel Castro's mindset and behavior as a political actor, and assesses Cuba's current domestic and international situations, ...
Or they'd say , “ Only a black would kick up such a row . ” Marriage with a black was definitely out . In one breath my parents would say , " Me , I get along fine with Negroes , ” and the next minute they'd be saying , “ I saw a so ...
Examines the history, modern life, industries, arts, sports, and geography of Cuba.
In 'Mid-Term Report' Tim Page surveys it all from the perspective of mid-life.
His son, Claudio José Domingo Brindis de Salas (1852- 1911), on the photo in the left, was also a violinist, known as the “black Paganini.” He lived much of his life in Paris, where he received the First Prize at the Paris Conservatory ...
Млад Кастро: како се создаваше еден револуционер
A guide to the lively, cultural, and controversial Cuba, this book is geared to in-the-know and savvy travelers.