"A mere question of time" -- "The object ... is to surprise and capture Richmond" -- "Hold the intermediate line at all hazards" -- "We mowed them down like grass" -- "You must discard the idea of receiving re-enforcements ..." -- "The whole army will be under arms ready to move ..." -- " The enemy must be weak enough ... to let us in" -- "Rolling over the field like a large wave" -- "Push on ... without reference to any one else" -- "Damn Dunovant!" -- "The delay is unpardonable" -- "I shall not attack their entrenchments" -- Richmond redeemed.
He has interwoven them throughout the book. His new analysis brings new dimensions to this new edition. Dr. Sommers was widely praised for his achievement.
Experience the terror and heroism displayed on both sides of the battle line in this harrowing tale of war.
... senior soldiers stretching from Winfield Scott through Douglas MacArthur to William Fallon and Stanley McChrystal ... ridiculed Vice President Joseph R. Biden and indirectly President Barack H. Obama himself in 2010. all people do.
This book, the third volume in Earl Hess's trilogy on the war in the eastern theater, recounts the strategic and tactical operations in Virginia during the last ten months of the Civil War, when field fortifications dominated military ...
... Richmond Redeemed , 28 , 50–51 , 110 . 13. OR 42 , Part 1 , 799 . 14. Narrative of Charles Johnson , CSA , Salem ... Richmond Redeemed , 210–18 ; Meade to Bowers , November 1 , 1864 , OR 42 , Part 1 , 31 ; Grant to Meade , September 30 ...
E. was not to get his troops entangled, so as to be unable to disengage them, in case the enemy were in force.”” By the time Brown returned to the ... Gouverneur K. Warren's Union Fifth Corps attacked. Warren struck on both sides of the ...
This three-volume Omnibus e-Book set is a collection of Earl J. Hess's definitive works on trench warfare during the Civil War.
With such critical information pouring in, the Federals had the advantage of knowing when and where to strike, and they would put this information to good use in late September 1864.13 For Robert E. Lee, the defense of the Rebel capital ...
Drawing on an array of original sources, Newsome focuses on the October battles themselves, examining the plans for the operations, the decisions made by commanders on the battlefield, and the soldiers' view from the ground.
gretting the necessity of the law and protesting against it for fear that it will be used as a precedent, yet the blood ... The Democrats called themselves the Confederate Party and nominated William Johnston, an “original Secessionist.