Michael Murphy , now an accomplished author ( Golf in the Kingdom , Jacob Atabet , The Psychic Side of Sports ) , got the idea to establish a center to explore his consuming interest in philosophy and religion , particularly Eastern ...
The rich selection of ideas discussed in this groundbreaking book include the impact of computers on family dynamics and development; the family's response to this new technology; the potential benefits or harm to marital, parent-child ...
We have been known as the “ networking people ” since we wrote Networking : The First Report and Directory , our first book , published in 1982 , the year we founded The Networking Institute . Networks have been our mission ...
For instance, if the date is October 11 and this is the first report run in this directory, the report filename will be: Doc-1011.001 If you want the output to go to a file on a diskette, just type: doc > a:\DocD.txt ...
Directory advertisement and service request intervals are set at once and twice, respectively, ... We first report the performance with varied node mobility and then we discuss the effect node failure rates on the performance.
1970- issued in 2 vols.: v. 1, General reference, social sciences, history, economics, business; v. 2, Fine arts, humanities, science and engineering.
Alternative Publications: A Guide to Directories, Indexes, Bibliographies, and Other Sources
Good Works: A Guide to Social Change Careers
The data continually being generated in the current"information explosion" offer a seemingly inexhaustible resource, which--by its very size and complexity--can present a formidable obstacle to researchers. As data sources proliferate,...
Destroying Democracy: How Government Funds Partisan Politics