Few Canadians over the age of forty can forget the feeling of joy and celebration that washed over the country during Canada's centennial year. We were, Pierre Berton reminds us, a nation in love with itself, basking in the warm glow of international applause brought on by the unexpected success of Expo 67 and pumped up by the year-long birthday party that had us all warbling "Ca-na-da, as Bobby Gimby and his gaggle of small children pranced down the byways of the nation.
It was a turning-point year, a watershed year--a year of beginnings as well as endings. One royal commission finally came to a close with a warning about the need for a new approach to Quebec. Another was launched to investigate, for the first time, the status of Canadian women. New attitudes to divorce and homosexuality were enshrined in law. A charismatic figure, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, made clear that the state had no place in the bedrooms of the nation. The seeds of Women's Lib, Gay Pride, and even Red Power, were sown in the centennial year. (Of all the pavilions on the Expo site, Berton singles out the Indian pavilion as having the greatest impact.)
The country was in a ferment that year. Canadians worried about the Americanization of every institution from the political convention to "Hockey Night in Canada. People talked about the Generation Gap as thousands of flower children held love-ins in city parks. The government tried to respond by launching the Company of Young Canadians, a project that was less than successful.
The most significant event of 1967 was Charles de Gaulle's notorious "Vive le Quebec libre!" speech in Montreal. It gave the burgeoning separatist movement a new legitimacy, enhanced by Rene Levesque's departure from the Liberal party later that year.
Throughout the book, the author gives us insightful profiles of some of the significant figures of 1967: the centennial activists Judy LaMarsh and John Fisher; the Expo entrepreneurs, Philippe de Gaspe Beaubien and Edward Churchill; Walter Gordon, the fervent nationalist, and his rival, Mitchell Sharp; Lester Pearson and his "bete noire, John Diefenbaker; the three "men of the world" who helped make Canada internationally famous: Marshall McLuhan, Glenn Gould, and Roy Thomson; hippie leaders like David dePoe, American draft dodgers like Mark Satin, women's activists like Doris Anderson and Laura Sabia, youth workers like Barbara Hall, radicals like Pierre Vallieres (author of "White Niggers of America) and such dedicated nationalists as Madame Chaput Rolland and Andre Laurendeau.
In spite of the feeling of exultation that marked the centennial year, an opposite sentiment runs through the book like dark thread: the growing fear that the country was facing its gravest crisis. Berton points out that we are far better off today than we were in 1967. "Then why all the hand wringing?" he asks. Because of "the very real fear that the country we celebrated so joyously thirty years ago is in the process of falling apart.
"In that sense, 1967 was the last good year before all Canadians began to be concerned about the future of our country."
“她刚离开两周时间,”女孩接着说道,“还不到两周。我还真以为他会让房间空着一个月呢。”她走向前,科莱特身子僵硬,把怀里的背包抱得更紧了。女孩停下脚步,睁大了眼睛,手掌朝外举向空中。“好的,好的。”她说道,“你别激动。”突然,仿佛刚才的话提醒了她自己, ...
他隨即又補充一句,「最好不要太過急躁。」他又一次吻了她,是看來非常溫柔甚至充滿熱情的一吻。不過,事實上這]吻冷若「我的意思是,鐵幕後面的每]件事情都是經過周 未知的旅途登記處由一個女人負責. 一孩沒署一 顏, ˊ 矗 zj 二頹. ' ′ z ...
我是說,天啊,偏頭痛。」事。死亡在經年累月之下慢慢變得沒那麼可怕,會失去其尖銳稜角聽見她說那三個字偏頭痛即使在當時我就看出當中的幽默。我知道實際情在幾天前剛哭過的事。但柔和的稜角仍是稜角,一句思慮欠周的言論、一次週年紀念日的到來, ...
「我一向喜歡解謎, 「我認為任何以人類巧妙心計想出的謎, 「都應該能由某個心思靈敏的人解開。」 燒腦X走心X異想X鬥智, 心智 100% 極速運轉! ...
—— 他用如詩的文字,書寫犯罪的殘酷與隱喻。 —— 素有「犯罪小說界的福克納」、「美國南灣的格雷安.葛林」美譽, 美國重量級推理大師詹姆斯.李.柏克終於在台登場! ...
《死亡之城》很可能是《神秘博士》历史上最原创和最不官方的故事。 点子最初来自戴维?费舍尔,名叫《时间豪赌》,讲述一对温文尔雅的伯爵夫妇在赌场作弊,骗钱以完成他们的 ...
多萝西·L·塞耶斯. “我不知道,没去留意他的鞋子。我当时只想着收拾局面呢。” “是你抬起他的吗?” “嗯,他下去时我听见了稀里哗啦的声音,便冲了出去,我是最先到那儿的几个人之一。对了,我叫丹尼尔斯。” “哦,是吗?丹尼尔斯,哦,是啊。可是验尸庭审的时候难道没 ...
多萝西·L·塞耶斯. 人亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,1807— 1882)的诗歌。(3)哈莉雅特和学监引用的诗句均引自美国诗人维切尔·林赛(Vachel Lindsay,1879—1931)的诗歌《丹尼尔的爵士乐》(The Daniel Jazz)。(4)这句话引自苏格兰小说家 ...
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