Relates in cartoon format the adventures of young Hamm of Hamblett, who, through a combination of innocence and bravery, fulfills his lifelong dream of becoming a noble knight.
Children's Book Review Index 1981 Cumulative
Fiction, Folklore, Fantasy & Poetry for Children, 1876-1985: Titles, awards
Geoff Mungham and Geoff Pearson (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1976), 11-14', Davis, Youth and the Condition of Britain, 129-135. 2. Paolo Hewitt, “Editor's Introduction”, in The Sharper Word: A Mod Anthology, ed.
Children's Book Review Index
The American South is a geographical entity, a historical fact, a place in the imagination, and the homeland of an array of Americans who consider themselves southerners. The region is...
... including The Big Cheese by Eve Bunting , The Bean Boy and Strong John by Joan Chase Bowden , Striding Slippers by Mirra Ginsburg and 1000 Monsters by Alan Benjamin . He is also the author - illustrator of The Hero of Hamblett .
As both author and illustrator he has written The Nothings and the critically acclaimed The Hero of Hamblett and Sir Hamm and the Golden Sundial . Sal Murdocca lives in Rockland County , New York , with his daughter and two cats .
Intended for public and school librarians, teachers and other school personnel, and community groups working with children to promote an interest in reading, this book contains planning suggestions and activities...
Leaving a trail of destruction they are prepared to break every law in the book so they can bask in the glow of the 800-year-old Great Charter of Liberties that, ironically, embodies the notion we are all equal before the law.
Melissa finds something that seems to be neither animal, vegetable, nor mineral, yet it becomes a loved member of the family.