For thousands of slaves--whose exact number will never be known--the NorthStar marked the way to freedom on the Underground Railroad. The stories of thebrave passengers on the escape route whose extraordinary fortitude broketheir own chains, and of the conductors who risked their lives to helpothers, are a testament to the human spirit.In this fascinating and thorough account, Gena K. Gorrell movingly describesthe history of the Underground Railroad, from the origins of slavery throughthe Civil War and beyond. She depicts the passage from Africa on desperatelycrowded slave ships, the station-by-station development of the powerfulRailroad routes to the northern United States and Canada, and the immensechallenges runaways faced once they reached freedom. Throughout the narrative, Gorrell highlights the pivotal roles played by various people of the era, thosewho became famous and those who remain too little known.The immediacy of the writing is complemented by period posters, photographs, and paintings, making North Star to Freedom a living history so grippingthat it will be impossible to forget....Clearly written and will be useful both as an introduction to thesubject and as a supplement to other titles about the period already on theshelves.
-- School Library Journal, starred reviewThis is a compassionate and clear-eyed history of slavery and the brave peoplewho rose up against indispensable and inspirational tool in anyclassroom.
-- Kirkus, pointer review
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