From the bestselling author of Sally Hemings comes an extraordinary new novel based on the true story of Sarah Baartman, a South African herdswoman exhibited as a “scientific curiosity” in the capitals of nineteenth-century Europe.
Barbara Chase-Riboud’s previous historical novels won her critical praise and established her as a writer who daringly transforms the hidden truths of the past into compelling fiction. In Hottentot Venus, Chase-Riboud recounts the tragic life of Sarah Baartman, re-creating in vivid, shocking detail the racism and sexism at the heart of European imperialism.
Born in the colony of Good Hope, South Africa, in 1789, Sarah Baartman was taken to London at the age of twenty by an English surgeon, who promised her fame and fortune. Dubbed the “Hottentot Venus,” she was paraded naked in Piccadilly in a freak-show exhibition and subjected to the unabashed stares and crude comments of the British public, which resulted in a sensational trial for her custody by British abolitionists. Soon afterward, however, Baartman's keeper – who may have been her husband – sold her to a French circus owner. In 1814, her new owner took her to Paris as part of an exotic animal circus to be displayed to French high society. Baartman endured unconscionable exploitation and cruelty as medical experts and leading scientists touted her as an example of primitive evolution because of her genital “apron” and her prominent buttocks.
In an unforgettable saga that ranges from Capetown to St. Helena to London to Paris and back to Africa, Chase-Riboud has fashioned a Dickensian evocation of this icon of scientific racism, whose body, sex, and brain were exploited, examined, and dissected to become a synonym of ugliness and brutality — the absolute negation of European beauty, which even today taints our Western concepts of humanity. Sarah, the tragic heroine, evokes nineteenth-century novels of the “other” such as Frankenstein, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and The Nigger of the Narcissus.
In Hottentot Venus, Barbara Chase-Riboud evokes this strange and moving story in the voices of Baartman and her contemporaries, combining years of research with the sensitivity and perceptions of a masterful storyteller to bring the story to life. Like Chang and Eng and the author’s own Sally Hemings and Echo of Lions, HOTTENTOT VENUS is a powerful, stark portrayal of the harsh realities of race—a stunning look at the cruelty of curiosity, colonialism, and its twenty-first century consequences.
A self-made millionaire and a social revolutionary are at odds with each other in a novel set against the background of a nineteenth-century New York streetcar strike.
The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions in Their Explorations of the Prairies, Forests, Lakes and...
"17-year-old Molly Ayer, an orphan in foster care, is sent to help take care of a 91-year-old woman in Maine who is an alumni of the so-called orphan trains, which took orphans from the east coast to families in the farmlands of the Midwest ...
Hout, it will just be to get crane-berries, or whortle-berries, or some such stuff, out of the moss, to make the pies and tarts for the feast on Monday. — I cannot get the words of that cankered auld cripple deil's-buckie out o' my head ...
Holmes succeeds Case at Detroit , or more properly in the Thanies country , and even improves on the numbers returned by his successful predecessor ; a great achievement after such a revival . 59. RYAN , like his friend Case ...
Down to that time , and , in some ways , much later , those who were local in name were largely travelling in practice ; so much so as to be , in many cases , the pioneers in breaking up new ground and forming original societies .
曹雪芹编著的《红楼梦(导读版)》以贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗之间的恋爱婚姻悲剧为主线,描写了以贾家为代表的四大家族的兴衰,揭示了封建大家庭的各种错综复杂的矛盾,表现 ...
He held a match close to the bowl of Rubin's pipe , cupping the flame . “ Then why do you do it ? " “ It works best for me that way , Allan . I have arthritis . ” He slanted his eyes left at his pupil . “ Do you ?
sense of stopping . Also to blanch , Nor heav'n peep thro ' the blanket of the dark , To cry bold , hold . Kacbeth , i , B. with reference to the blanchers . But Cibber , in his Lives of the Poets BLANK . The white mark in the centre ...
Explanatory notes identify locations, literary references, persons, events, and specialized terminology. The textual essays describe the production and subsequent revisions of the text.