One of Canada's greatest inventors takes on his peers, with mixed results. Red Green's motto: Quando omni flunkus moritati (When all else fails, play dead) The author of How to Do Everything and Red Green's Beginner's Guide to Women has never been reluctant to take on enormously difficult jobs that are doomed to failure. This latest project has turned out to be perhaps his nearest thing to a triumph yet. In Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda, Red surveys, analyzes, critiques and in some cases tells you how to replicate at home the best Canadian inventions, from the Wonderbra to the hard-cup jockstrap, by way of insulin, the walkie-talkie, synchronised swimming and more world-changing innovations than you can wave a Canadarm at. And speaking of the Canadarm, Red shows how by simply combining common household items such as a cordless drill, metal tape measure, broomstick, ice tongs, bungee cord, fishing reel and, of course, the handiman's secret weapon--duct tape--you will in no time at all be lifting oranges out of the fruit bowl like a trained astronaut. Elsewhere, Red tells the little-known story of how the BlackBerry inspired a freelance piccolo player from the Possum Lake area to create a WhistleBerry communication device requiring no internet connection, wireless or electricity. He explains definitively the difference between the alkaline battery and Al Kaline, who played right field for the Detroit Tigers. And he reveals how Lodge Member Dennis Holmsworth's test-run of magnetic shoes along the underside of the Mercury Creek Railway Bridge literally came undone as a result of poor lace-tying skills. The illustrations are inimitably--because really, who else would want to?--the work of the author himself, relieved throughout with a large number of photographs in vivid black and white. An important contribution to the sesquicentennial celebrations, and an inspiration to the handiman and handiwoman to aim high, however badly they might miss, The Woulda Coulda Shoulda Guide to Canadian Inventions is a book no shed should be without.
Justin Timberlake When I die, bury me on the golf course so that my husband will visit. Give me golf clubs, fresh air, and a beautiful partner, ...
Why should Hollywood stars be the only ones who have an entourage?
With just a cold beer in his hand and a goofy grin on his face, recently-dumped Jake Timberlake is a lovable loser trying to move on with his life one misadventure at a time.
The A-Z of 9-5 Culture Karen Farrington. The Law of the OFFICE KAREN FARRINGTON The A - Z of 9-5 Culture ROBSON First published in Great Britain in 2006 by Robson Books.
Chronicles an offbeat cross-country odyssey through the backroads and byways of the United States, immortalizing the people, places, and cultural artifacts vanishing from the nation's landscape
... Monkhams) Chapter 3: Traffic Quotes: Sue Nelson, Claire Rumble, Dr Julian Litten, Pat Cutler, Christine Brassey, Peter Lawrence Photos: Irene and John Buchan, E7NowandThen, Graham Frankel Inspiration: Julian Litten (Encounter at the ...
His invention enabled him to sell a writing tool to almost everyone in the USA. Archie made a tiny profit on each pen but he sold a lot of pens, even in 1892. From those humble beginnings, the Van Cleefs branch out until they own a ...
Both think the Three Stooges are hilarious. And both love to be told, You are sooooo big! But this is reason to celebrate, not fret, because knowing this gives you the inside advantage.
Karen Salmansohn, author of the bestselling How to Make Your Man Behave in 21 Days or Less by Using the Secrets of Professional Dog Trainers and I Don't Need to Have Children, I Date Them, has created Mr. Right When You Need Him for those ...
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