The Widow and the King

The Widow and the King
The Widow and the King
Juvenile Fiction / Fantasy & Magic
David Fickling Books
John Dickinson


This stunning book opens 12 years after the end of The Cup of the World and tells the story of Ambrose, son of Phaedra and last in the king’s line, who is living exiled with his mother in the dilapidated manor of Tarceny.

Ambrose’s life is threatened by the hooded priest of the Undercraft, an ancestral spirit of pure evil who must end Ambrose’s life in order to survive himself. And even when Ambrose is hidden within the house of the Widow of Develin, a hallowed place of learning and haven of education, the priest and his minions slowly and subtly infiltrate within, subverting the minds of those most educated and powerful and leaving Ambrose in mortal danger.

From the Hardcover edition.

Other editions

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