This book provides an invaluable study aid for all general surgery residents preparing for the American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination (ABSITE). Concisely written overviews of each topic covered on the exam combined with the self-test format offer a new and innovative approach. Each chapter is a short summary of a basic science or clinical topic and includes hundreds of related questions like those found on ABSITE. The book is targeted to trainees at various levels and also can be used to prepare for the qualifying (written) and certifying (oral) exams given by the American Board of Surgery upon completion of training.
Once the bolus is accepted into the stomach, it is churned vigorously into chyme. ... Secretion is stimulated by (i) acetylcholine, released as a vagal reflex in response to declining pH, ... (From Savage E, Fishman S, Miller.
Expert Consult - Online and Print Jose M. Velasco, MD, FACS, FCCS ... Velasco, M.D., and Chad E. Jacobs, M.D. A. Fluid and Electrolytes 29 David D. Shersher, M.D. B. The Endocrine and Metabolic Response to Stress 41 Roderick M. Quiros, ...
This book continues to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of surgical diseases in one easy-to-use reference that combines multiple teaching formats. The book begins using a case based approach.
Kuint J, Horowitz Z, Kugel C, Toper L, Birenbaum E, Linder N. Laryngeal obstruction caused by lingual thyroglossal duct cyst presenting at birth. Am J Perinatol. 1997;14(6):353–6. Kuo AA, Tritasavit S, Graham JM, Jr. Congenital muscular ...
Study efficiently and effectively for high-stakes surgery exams with this superb review tool.
This study guide maintains the core features that have made it one of the most popular board review books in the field, including questions and answers after each chapter and succinct but detailed reviews of all topic areas found on the ...
The new edition of this popular guide provides students with a solid review of surgery for the USMLE Step 2 and residency training exams.
The text contains over 100 common surgical conditions and over 30 practical surgical procedures. The book contains over 35 illustrations and radiographs of numerous conditions to help aid in consolidating memory.
... J. Raymond Fitzpatrick III, and Benjamin M. Jackson 21 Pulmonary Physiology and Thoracic Disease Jeffrey E. Cohen and Sunil Singhal Section V: Trauma 22 Trauma Evaluation, Resuscitation, and Surgical Critical Care Ian W. Folkert and ...
This book provides a solid foundation for the medical student studying surgery as an introductory course.