Ever since the serendipitous discovery of planet Uranus in 1871, astronomers have been hunting for new worlds in the outer regions of our solar system. This exciting and ongoing quest culminated recently in the discovery of hundreds of ice dwarfs in the Kuiper belt, robbed Pluto from its ‘planet’ status, and led to a better understanding of the origin of the solar system. This timely book reads like a scientific ‘who done it’, going from the heights of discovery to the depths of disappointment in the hunt for ‘Planet X’. Based on many personal interviews with astronomers, the well-known science writer Govert Schilling introduces the heroes in the race to be the first in finding another world, bigger than Pluto.
It is the most exciting book about Pluto you will ever read in your life." —Jon Stewart When the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History reclassified Pluto as an icy comet, the New York Times proclaimed ...
... the “Friar's Heel," so located in relation to the horizon that, according to Mr. Flinders Petrie, who has made careful measurements of the whole structure, it aligned the coming sunrise from a point behind the naos or trilithon.
A telescopic look inside the book: • History of planetary disputes, including why Jupiter almost wasn't acknowledged • What Bode's Law is and how it has influenced observations • Who discovered Pluto and how it was named • The ...
Sasselov tells the gripping story of a moment of unprecedented potential -- a convergence of pioneering efforts in astronomy and biology to peer into the unknown.
“That's still all Morrison Formation out there.” Willoughby waves. “And right here. Still who knows what to find. And we still got that lease for another year, don't we, all paid up.” “Maybe Isenbright might come through,” Felix ...
The Ultimate Observing List for Amateurs Philip S. Harrington ... 2001) SOFTWARE Guide (CD-ROM, Windows), Project Pluto, 168 Ridge Road, Bowdoinham, ME 04008; www.projectpluto. com Starry Night (CD-ROM, Windows or Macintosh), Space.com, ...
... Schrijver , H. , Bernacca , P. L. , Evans , D. W. , Falin , J. L. , Froeschlé , M. , Grenon , M. , Hering , R. , Høg , E. , Kovalevsky , J. , Mignard ... Phillips , J. A. , Thorsett , S. E. , and Kulkarni , S. R. ( editors ) , 1993.
These hunts can easily acquire a fanatical, obsessive tinge, and the search for Planet X was no different. The astronomer William Herschel planted the initial seed of Planet X back in 1781, when he discovered Uranus.
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and its collision with Jupiter in 1994 is a very prominent example for a possible fate of comets. Its story is fascinating and the detailed observations that had been carried out gave unforeseen insight into ...
This workbook has three main purposes.