Since the Enlightenment, science has been seen as an objective, true method of explanation about the physical and mathematical laws that explain and govern the universe. The 20th Century has shown that science is also a human enterprise, informed by idealogy and other assumptions. In this book, distinguished historian and philosopher of science Arthur Miller examines these and other important questions about what and how we know about the world. Dr. Miller also discusses, in non-technical language, our current ideas about the nature of scientific thought and explanation, its relation to truth, and the relationship between scientific and common sense. Does science, in its historical claim as an exalted endeavor, stand above other human activities?
This consumable book provides lesson support material for students to analyze and complete. It provides a long-term record of each student’s mathematical development.
A Course of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists
「我就是不會!我的數學就是爛!」 一遇到問題,腦袋就僵化、衝動又焦慮, 怎樣的心理因素造成認知上的困難? 改進年輕時就養成的無效思考模式, ...
◎53萬訂閱幽默數學YouTuber帶你動手玩數學! 注意:本書內容不是考試用的數學 你可以輕鬆看超人氣YouTube頻道standupmaths主持人麥特‧帕克示範數學不只是紙上的考試科目,還可以是 ...
本书将社会价值论的理论和方法引入网络原生数字资源的研究中, 以情报学信息资源管理理论为研究基础, 主要采用了文献研究法, 比较研究法, 案例分析法, 唯物辩证法等研究方法, ...
貝葉斯生於1701年,出生地可能在赫特福德郡(Hertfordshire)。他父親約書亞(Joshua)是長老會牧師,而湯瑪斯也跟隨他的腳步。他在愛丁堡大學攻讀理則學(logic)與神學(theology),當過父親的助手一小段時間,而後在坦布里治威爾斯(Tunbridge Wells)的錫安山 ...
YOUR BRAIN+MATH>YOUR BRAIN-MATH 寫給每個人的數學讀本, 不管你是喜歡還是厭惡數學,都不能錯過這本書! 數學奇才布伊斯曼帶領讀者穿越歷史, 從兩河文明、古埃及、中國到現代, ...
Focuses on the successive construction and development of the basic number systems of mathematics: positive integers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers and complex numbers.
This is an advanced text for the one- or two-semester course in analysis taught primarily to math, science, computer science, and electrical engineering majors at the junior, senior or graduate...