The Great Plains prairie, historically the largest single terrestrial ecosystem in North America, is now also its most threatened. Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates relates changes in grassland ecosystems to the ecology of vertebrate animals inhabiting the prairie.
Breeding density and habitat preferences of the Burrowing Owl in northeastern Colorado. Masters thesis, Colorado State ... The Conservation Reserve Program and grassland birds. ... Ecology and conservation of Great Plains vertebrates.
Thundering herds of bison. Burrowing prairie dogs. Soaring golden eagles. These are among the wildlife who will always be linked with the Great Plains, and many can still be seen...
Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources
This volume presents carnivores, raptors and their prey in the complicated net of interrelationships, and shows them against the background of their biotic and abiotic settings.
Luna moth , male . eyes are typically hidden on the hindwing until the forewings are drawn forward . Luna moths and many other silkmoths have such eyespots , but this possible function for them has apparently remained unstudied .
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 11:3–8 Contu E (1997) La Sardegna preistorica e nuragica. ... Rowland RJ (2007) Archaeology & history in Sardinia from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages: Sheperds, sailors, and onquerors.
It is widespread in mountain ranges across the state, but its status in the Black Hills National Forest is still uncertain (Faulkner, 2010). Suggested reading: BNA 588 (J. A.Tremblay, D. L. Leonard, Jr., ...
For anyone who has ever thrilled to a cloud of blackbirds or a solitary falcon against the prairie sky, Paul Johnsgard has written a book that will both inspire and...
... A.E. Miller, and E. Hood. 2007. The effects of salmon carcasses on soil nitrogen pools in a riparian forest in southeastern Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 1194–1202. Gende, S.M., T.P. Quinn, M.F. Willson, et al.
“The Role of Groundwater Pumping and Drought in Shaping Ecological Futures for Stream Fishes in a Dryland River Basin of the Western Great Plains, USA. ... In Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates, ed.