From reviews of the first edition: "well organized . . . Recommended as an introductory text for undergraduates" -- AAAS Science Books and Films "well written and illustrated" -- Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
An Introduction To Environmental Biophysics, 2E
Evaporation into the Atmosphere , Theory , History , and Applications . Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers . Campbell , G. S. ( 1977 ) . An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics . New York : Springer - Verlag Kormondy , E. J. ...
Thus, the book provides the background needed for fundamental training in biophysics and, in addition, offers a great deal of advanced biophysical knowledge.
The objective of this book is to make analytical methods available to students of ecology.
In this small book I have tried to confine myself to the absolute necessities in a field which requires a knowledge of both biology and physics.
The Emergence of the Fourth Geosphere Eric Smith, Harold J. Morowitz ... 8.2.1 Herbert Simon's arguments that modularity is prerequisite to hierarchical complexity Herbert Simon was a widely synthetic thinker about the nature of ...
Thoroughly revised and up-dated edition of a highly successful textbook.
Written in a step-by-step format, this practical guide begins with an introduction to the science of biophysics, covering biophysical techniques and applications.
In theory, this would result in a progressive reduction in the rate of growth in height (Koch et al. 2004; Ning et al. 2008), ultimately resulting in a maximum height that depends on the hydraulic architecture of the species and local ...
Air pollution can hardly be studied by any other method to such an extent. Much of our present knowledge in this field was obtained by laboratories using many of the same methods described in this work.