... A.M. , 275 , 290 Galliani , C.A. , 95 Galton , F. , 357 Gantt , H. , 69 Gardner , E. , 37 , 41 , 46 , 53 , 65–66 ... 165–166 Heron , W. , 152 , 159 Herrick , C.J. , 77 , 138 , 181 Herron , J. , 226–227 , 248 Hertzig , M. , 85 Hess ...
Learning Disabilities and Brain Function
Technology and learning disabilities
This book provides significant information of this discipline to help develop a good understanding of learning disabilities. Different approaches, evaluations, methodologies and advanced studies on this topic have been included herein.
In D. Schunk & B. Zimmerman (Eds.), Self-regulation book. New York: Guilford Press. Pressley, M., Gaskins, I. W., Cunicelli, E. A., Burdick, N.J., Schaub-Matt, M., Lee, D. S., & Powell, N. (1991). Strategy instruction at Benchmark ...
Argues that teachers and psychologists are too quick to attach the term "learning disabled" because they fail to recognize "normal" differences in brain function and is specific talents and abilities.
This second edition helps you turn the latest special needs brain research into practical classroom activities for students and features a practical framework for identifying and motivating students with special needs.
Discusses studies of the brain activities of normal and learning disabled children.
Provides basic consumer health information about various learning disabilities, with facts about diagnosis, instructional approaches, legal and financial issues, and with coping tips.
This book is a landmark in learning disabilities studies, and it lays down solid foundations for future research and practical intervention in the field.
Brain Function and Reading Disabilities