The audience consists of students in mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences. The topics include derivations of some of the standard equations of mathematical physics (e.g., the heat equation, the wave equation, and Laplace's equation) and methods for solving those equations on bounded and unbounded domains (including transform methods and eigenfunction expansions). Prerequisites include multivariable calculus and post-calculus differential equations course. The text differs from other texts in that it is a brief treatment (about 200 pages); yet it provides coverage of the main topics usually studied in the standard course as well as an introduction to using computer algebra packages to solve and understand partial differential equations. The writing has an engineering and science style to it rather than a traditional, mathematical, theorem-proof format. The exercises encourage students to think about the concepts and derivations. The student who reads this book carefully and solves most of the exercises will have a sound enough knowledge base to continue with a second-year partial differential equations course where careful proofs are constructed or upper division courses in science and in engineering where detailed applications of partial differential equations are introduced.
With this revised edition, students can gain a more comprehensive understanding of differential equations. The book exploits students' access to computers by including many new problems and examples that incorporate computer technology.
"The solution to quasilinear first order hyperbolic systems of equations may be interpretated in terms of waves, which belong to a certain function class and propagate in some suitable space,...
University of Strathclyde Seminars in Applied Mathematical Analysis: Multiparameter Problems
Regularity of Minimal Surfaces begins with a survey of minimal surfaces with free boundaries. Following this, the basic results concerning the boundary behaviour of minimal surfaces and H-surfaces with fixed...
This text is designed for engineers, scientists, and mathematicians with a background in elementary ordinary differential equations and calculus.
Written primarily for undergraduate students of mathematics, science, or engineering, who typically take a course on differential equations during their first or second year. The main prerequisite is a working...
This book strikes a balance between the traditional and the modern—combining the traditional material with a modern systems emphasis. Chapter topics cover an introduction to differential equations, first-order equations, modeling...
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems