Overy gives readers an absorbing study of Hitler and Stalin, ranging from their private and public selves, their ascents to power and consolidation of absolute rule, to their waging of massive war and creation of far-flung empires of camps and prisons.
The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1988); Michael Ross, “Political Economy of Resource Curse,” World Politics 51 (1999): 297–322; Jeffrey D. Sachs and Andrew M. Warner, “Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth,” Working Paper ...
An esteemed Foreign Affairs editor and journalist analyzes the ongoing battle between dictatorships and those who oppose them, tracing uprisings in such nations as Egypt, Tunisia and Libya while exploring the sophisticated resources and ...
Half a century after their deaths, the dictatorships of Stalin and Hitler still cast a long and terrible shadow over the modern world. They were the most destructive and lethal...
Palmer explained to Schroder , United wanted to maintain control of the railroad : " We want protection for [ the ] future and believe you can assist in affording this at the same time accomplishing for yourselves two great advantages ...
With Levinson's help he started signing up movie folk as second lieutenants or enlisted men in the 164th and 165th Photographic Companies. Warner Bros. executives winked as Levinson spent his working hours interviewing candidates ...
In 1934, Hermann Göring published Germany Reborn, while Alfred Rosenberg's titanically unreadable magnum opus, The Myth of the Twentieth Century, swiftly attained bestseller status under the Nazi regime. Rosenberg, in fact, was supposed ...
This unique collection of essays, edited by leading Woolf scholar, brings together for the first time a serious consideration of Virginia Woolf's writing within the political context of fascism.
In addition to the abbreviations for Woolf's titles used in this volume, I would like to add the following abbreviations for the ... The Essays of Virginia Woolf: Volume Three, 1919–1924 (San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988) pp.
The Age of the Dictators presents a comprehensive survey of the origins and interrelationship of the European dictatorships.