It is the only anthology which includes all thirty-one English lyrics from MS Harley 2253, all the verses by Friar Herebert printed in Brown XIV, and all the important poems given in Robbins' Secular Lyrics.
In all there are 245 lyrics, arranged thematically.
To make these delightful poems accessible to the modern reader, the editors have removed many of the orthographic impediments inherent in Middle English verse and have modernized punctuation, capitalization, and obsolete letters while scrupulously seeking to retain the substantive integrity of the poems.
Critical and Historical Backgrounds are provided in essays by Peter Dronke, Stephen Manning, Raymond Oliver, and Rosemary Woolf. In a special section, six poems are singled out for critical comment by A. K. Moore, Edmund Reiss, D. W. Robertson, Jr., E. T. Donaldson, John Speirs, Thomas Jemielity, D. G. Halliburton, Leo Spitzer, and others.
Two of these lyrics, Maiden in the mor lay and I sing of a maiden, are discussed by four different scholars. In all, twenty-five poems are discussed in the essays.
The volume also includes a list of Abbreviations, a Table of Textual Sources and Dates, a Select Bibliography, and an Index of First Lines.
Cf. Ach. 849; Av. 8o0 on 6é koshiyo ye okóðtov d'Irote TuApévo ('and you [resemble] a blackbird plucked in a bowl-cut'; not a flattering description); Eup. fr. 313. 2 with K-A ad loc.; Hermipp. fr. 13; Poll. ii. 29; Pearson on S. fr.
This is one of the seven plays of Sophocles in the full editions by R.C. Jebb, all of which will be reissued under the BCP imprint.
經典著作優秀改寫,全白話無障礙讀本,內含精美手繪插圖,人物、典故、成語、知識點隨文注釋,是一版適合青少年閱讀的國學入門書。 ...
正当明皇李隆基与杨贵妃浓情蜜意之时,恶噩传来,安禄山起兵反唐。唐明皇只得带着官员后宫逃往四川。行至马嵬坡,众将士驻兵不前,要求惩处杨氏兄妹;唐明皇只得忍痛赐死贵妃。叛军兵破后班师回朝,唐明皇日思夜梦贵妃,在孤独中忍受相思之苦。后来道士远访仙岛, ...
★福楼拜翻译第一人,莫里哀翻译第一人,创作、翻译、评论、研究全才李健吾先生译文全集; ...
诗人埃斯库罗斯约于公元前525年生于依洛西斯。他的父亲欧福里翁属“欧帕特里得尔”,或者说雅典的古老贵族。埃斯库罗斯是否真的是依洛西斯秘仪的传人不得而知。而对他泄露得 ...
... 叶菲米奇,你们杀死了人,所以现在你们温柔,和顺啦,哎?列夫深雅哈耳·伊万诺维奇,我们一向就——和顺。雅哈耳(申斥地) ,是的。和和顺顺地把人杀死,哎?倒说,列夫深,你在传播什么道理,什么新原则,说我们用不着钱,用不着东家,什么什么的。就列夫·托尔斯泰(6) ...
(俄)托尔斯泰, (俄)契诃夫著, 李健吾译. 第五幕托尔斯泰不写第五幕,下面是他留下的笔记。第一景军纪处。一个地窖。囚犯坐着躺着。包芮斯一边读《福音书》,一边讲解。一个挨过打的人被带进来。“啊,只要出来一个浦嘎切夫,帮我们报你们这种仇也就好啦。
★福楼拜翻译第一人,莫里哀翻译第一人,创作、翻译、评论、研究全才李健吾先生译文全集; ...