A dazzling look at the artists working on the frontiers of science. In recent decades, an exciting new art movement has emerged in which artists utilize and illuminate the latest advances in science. Some of their provocative creations—a live rabbit implanted with the fluorescent gene of a jellyfish, a gigantic glass-and-chrome sculpture of the Big Bang (pictured on the cover)—can be seen in traditional art museums and magazines, while others are being made by leading designers at Pixar, Google’s Creative Lab, and the MIT Media Lab. In Colliding Worlds, Arthur I. Miller takes readers on a wild journey to explore this new frontier. Miller, the author of Einstein, Picasso and other celebrated books on science and creativity, traces the movement from its seeds a century ago—when Einstein’s theory of relativity helped shape the thinking of the Cubists—to its flowering today. Through interviews with innovative thinkers and artists across disciplines, Miller shows with verve and clarity how discoveries in biotechnology, cosmology, quantum physics, and beyond are animating the work of designers like Neri Oxman, musicians like David Toop, and the artists-in-residence at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. From NanoArt to Big Data, Miller reveals the extraordinary possibilities when art and science collide.
... 170 , 184 , 255 Rutter , Brad , 49 Scéalextric Simulator , 237-239 , 264 , 278 Schadenfreude , 193 Schmidhuber , Jürgen , 138-139 , 169-170 Schoenberg , Arnold , 143 Schopenhauer , Arthur , 193 Schrodinger , Erwin , 12 , 17 Schubert ...
For further analysis see Golding (1988) and Robbins (1988). 150. See Henderson (1983), pp. 66 and 74. 151. See, for example, Richardson (1996), p. 179. 152. The view of Gris is developed in Green (1992), Chapter 2.
AI Renaissance Machines: Inside the New World of Machine-created Art, Literature, and Music
This new edition of Art and Science has been updated to cover the ongoing convergence of art and technology in the digital age, a convergence that has led to the emergence of a new type of creator, the “cultural explorer” whose hybrid ...
This is the story of an extraordinary and fruitful collaboration between two of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century.--From publisher description.
Most books on AI focus on the future of work.
As John Golding emphasizes, it was only in the "years following Demoiselles that Cézanne's reputation as the greatest and most influential figure in nineteenth-century art was firmly laid." Observations such as Golding's alert us to ...
Since its original publication, this book has become a standard reference and sourcebook for the history and philosophy of science; however, it can equally well serve as a text on twentieth-century philosophy.
... Central Europe after 1989 Katarzyna Jagodzińska Exhibitions as Research Experimental Methods in Museums Edited by Peter Bjerregaard Museum Objects, Health and Healing The Relationship between Exhibitions and Wellness Brenda Cowan, ...
Soon he would go to work with Judah Folkman at the Harvard Medical School and nothing this audience would say could stop him. But his scientific presentation amounted to an attempt to gain broad public acceptance for his artscience idea ...