Shows that the history of black photographers intertwines with the story of African American life, as seen through photographs ranging from antebellum weddings and 1960s protest marches, to portraits of contemporary black celebrities.
... 288 Institute of Higher International Studies ( Geneva ) , 508–509 Sharpe ( Linda C. ) and , 275 Johnson , ... 223 , 229 Project Interphase and , 223 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and , 1,548 Richardson ( Lynne D. ) and ...
These photos, interviews, and essays tell the full story of the Black barber shop in America.
Reflections in Black Glass
Reflections of a Black Man is a story of a boy named Chris who grows up to be a respectable man.
Have we given social media too much power over our lives? Could heaven really, one day, be a place on Earth? Should criminal justice and punishment be crowdsourced? What rights should a "cookie" have? The future is bright—or is it?
The book raises challenging questions, but rather than offer definitive answers, it provokes the reader to personally define 'Black power' and inspires all of us to continue the work of 'deepening the meaning of democracy.'" —Wade ...
He put Arnold's three cans of tuna fish, package of celery, Spanish onion, and two cans of Redpack tomatoes in a plastic bag without asking and didn't look at him when Arnold smiled his thanks. (Goldberg . . . ?) Why, Arnold wondered ...
This book takes the reader on six walking tours through historic districts of Paris where the African-American presence has been prominent.
plate), a condition that resulted in his having leg-length differences that required the use of a cane and an elevated shoe for assistance throughout his adult life. In his memoir, Wes Moore recounts how his dad was taken to the ...
But, in the first book on racial preference written from personal experience, Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby, Stephen L. Carter, Cromwell Professor of Law at Yale University and self-described beneficiary (and, at times, victim) ...