A portrait of how people lived in the pre-industrial age describes how a lack of electric lighting separated daytime and evening into more contrasting worlds, explaining how superstition, work, fire, crime, religion, slavery, and other factors were different before the advent of electric lighting. Reprint.
Christopher Dewdney is the author of three books of nonfiction-Last Flesh, The Secular Grail, and The Immaculate Perception-as well as eleven books of poetry.
Tichborn West to Ward, June 10, 1724, Castleward Papers, D2092/1/1/132, PRONI. 15. ST, XVII, 1281. 16. OPH, 322; NLD (M. Kavenagh, E. Lutwidge); ST, XVII, 1175, 1297; Abstract, 9. 17. NAD (D. Annesley); Abstact, 9; NLD (C. Murphy). 18.
This illuminating guide to the night opens up an entirely new vista on early modern Europe.
8, 9, 1813), in James F. Hopkins and Mary W. M. Hargreaves, eds., The Papers of Henry Clay (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1959), I, p. 760. Charleston Courier, Sept. 17, 1804; “Falsehoods about Jonathan Robbins again Refuted ...
Bradford the printer took their side and published the appeal . The Lloydian's promptly arrested him and charged him with unlicensed use of the press . His type and press were confiscated . Another Keithian , John McComb , was charged ...
The development of the modern world has brought with it rampant light pollution, destroying the ancient mystery of night and exacting a terrible price--wasted energy, damage to human health, and...
In lyrical prose, he leads readers from bedrooms and laboratories to factories and battlefields to Henry David Thoreau's famous cabin at Walden Pond, telling the stories of troubled sleepers, hibernating peasants, sleepwalking preachers, ...
Ibid., 276; J. H. F. Piele, trans., William ofMalmesbury's Life of Wulfstan, 32-33. 3. Piele, William of Malmesbury's ... Herbert Thurston, ed., The Life of Saint Hugh of Lincoln, 399-409, 467-83, 565. 11. Daphne Stroud, “Miracles of ...
... Simply Electrifying: The Technology That Transformed the World, from Benjamin Franklin to Elon Musk (Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, 2017), 135–136. 39. “At President's Touch: Spark from the White House Lights Christmas Tree,” Washington ...
In Patterns of Daily Prayer in Second Temple Period Judaism Jeremy Penner provides an account of how daily prayer became entrenched within early Jewish religious traditions.