Building on students' enthusiasm for movies, this text is more successful than any other at motivating students to understand and analyze film.
The Seventh Edition features new and refreshed video, assessment, and interactive media, making the bookÕs pathbreaking media program more assignable and gradable than ever before.
Film analysis starts here.
Two DVDs complement and elaborate on key concepts in the text.
Film analysis starts here.
Ideal for introducing American cinema courses, this text offers a cultural examination of the US motion picture industry, with attention focused on the economic and aesthetic institution of Hollywood.
... Duncan's multiple-range test (DUNCAN), Scheffe's multiple-comparison procedure (SCHEFFE), pairwise t tests (T), ... program to read the data and perform the analysis of variance: DATA heights; INFILE 'c:\MyRawData\GirlHeights.dat'; ...
Film, Fotos, Textes. Paris: Cahiers du cinéma 1998. 240 p., many ill. (German edition: Abenteuer eines Auges. Filme, Fotos, Texte. Basel, Frankfurt a.M.: Stroemfeld/Roter Stern 1992. (material 69). 186 p., 293 ill.).
The outstanding art program — now in full color — visually reinforces all the key concepts and techniques discussed in the text.
The Problems Book helps students appreciate the ways in which experiments and simple calculations can lead to an understanding of how cells work by introducing the experimental foundation of cell and molecular biology.