"This Norton Critical Edition of the anonymously written fourteenth-century Arthurian romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is derived from a verse translation by Marie Borroff, first translated in 1967. The poem follows Gawain, a knight of King Arthur's court, as his honor is tested by the Green Knight. After succeeding in beheading the Green Knight, who survives the ordeal, Gawain must uphold his end of the bargain and, after a year's time, meet with the Green Knight again so that the knight may return the grim favor and behead Gawain. The "Contexts" in this Critical Edition provide readers with selections of the poem in its original Middle English, as well as other Arthurian stories that may have influenced the anonymous Gawain-poet. "Criticism" includes a selection of essays on themes ranging from the poem's descriptive techniques, to its use of time and gender. A chronology and selected bibliography are also included"--
Lewis Spence. The fisherman at once Seized the strange seasteed by his bristling fin And vaulted onhis shoulders; the fleet fish Swift sought the shallows and the friendly shore.[34] Before dismissing thefisherman, however,theFish King ...
King Arthur returns, as per prophecy, to a future Earth facing alien invasion.
Ginn Ginn Linacre House , Jordan Hill , Oxford OX2 8DP A division of Harcourt Education Limited Ginn is a registered trademark of Harcourt Education Limited Chris Buckton 2003 The material in this publication is copyright .
Sir Edward Coley Burne - Jones : The Attaining of the Holy Grail by Sir Galahad , Sir Bors and Sir Percival from the Quest for the Holy Grail series 1898-9 made by A Morris & Co , now in 4 pieces 134 Catherine Donaldson : Arthur sees ...
Morris, Burne-Jones and the Quest for the Holy Grail
Cameron , Anne . Stubby Amberchuck & the Holy Grail . Madeira Park , BC , Canada : Harbour Publishing , 1987 . Cameron , Eleanor . Time and Mr. Bass : A Mushroom Planet Book . III . Fred H. Meise . Boston : An Atlantic Monthly Press ...
270; F. H. Groome, 'Tobit andJack the Giant-Killer', Folklore, 9.3 (1896), pp. 226-44. For further possible evidence of some influence from Peele's Old Wives Tale on Jack's History, see the notes below.
Examines both historical documents and Arthurian legends to determine if King Arthur really existed, and evaluates the truth behind the king's mythical deeds and separates it from the details of chivalric fantasy.
The most comprehensive guide to the real Arthurian world and the legends that surround and often obscure it.
A collection of Arthurian short stories and short novels by such authors as John Steinbeck, Jane Yolen, Phyllis Ann Karr, and Andre Norton