The leading authors in their respective fields--physical geology and extreme weather--Steven Marshak and Robert Rauber bring years of classroom and research experience to this remarkable new book and media package. The authors' narrative approach to the content and innovative integration of new visual and interactive resources guides students to a clearer, more applicable understanding of the entire Earth System.
We see it every day, yet we understand so little about Earth. From minerals to meteorites, this book covers every aspect of the science of our world.
The ash eruptions grew larger, and on June 10, all aircraft and 14,500 u.s. personnel from Clark Air Force Base left for safer ground at nearby subic Bay Naval Base, leaving only 1,500 American personnel and three helicopters on the air ...
This collection of drawings illustrates physical and earth science concepts. Includes topics such as seasons, planets, temperature, weather, and volcanoes.
This introductory text considers how a world in which humans could evolve was created; how, as a species, we are now reshaping that world; and what a sustainable future for humanity within the Earth system might look like.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Perfect for...
The simple projects in this book will help young scientists begin to understand Earth, including its place in the solar system, its atmosphere, its only natural satellite, the Moon, and its resources and geology.
This updated edition is an ideal companion to high school textbooks and covers all Physical Setting/Earth Science topics prescribed by the New York State Board of Regents.
For students interested in competing in science fairs, this book contains great suggestions and ideas for further experiments.
Explains the steps that we have taken to better understand how the earth functions and examines the development of Earth science.
For all introductory Earth Science courses. Pearson eText offers an affordable, simple-to-use, mobile reading experience that lets instructors and students extend learning beyond class time. Students can study, highlight, and...