The only writing guide a film student will ever need
The most succinct, practical, and affordable introduction to thinking and writing about film.
Writing About Movies (Fifth Edition)
This best-selling text is a succinct guide to thinking critically and writing precisely about film. Both an introduction to film study and a practical writing guide, this brief text introduces...
This best-selling text is a succinct guide to thinking critically and writing precisely about film.
For courses in Film Criticism, Film History, Writing for Film, or Film Appreciation. A succinct guide to thinking critically and writing precisely about film Both an introduction to film study...
The writers of Reno 911! and several other feature films trace their haphazard experiences in the movie industry, revealing the process through which they worked on script development with executives and stars, pacified exploitative ...
Looking at Movies
Two DVDs complement and elaborate on key concepts in the text.
A Short Guide to Writing about Film
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