Building on students' enthusiasm for movies, this text is more successful than any other at motivating students to understand and analyze film. In the new Sixth Edition, author Dave Monahan has thoroughly revised the book for clarity and currency, while adding new interactive learning tools to support student learning. The best book and media package for introductory film just got better.
Two DVDs complement and elaborate on key concepts in the text.
Looking at Movies, Third Edition is an accessible and visually dynamic introduction to film studies that offers more media support and a lower price than all of its competitors.
Film analysis starts here.
Looking at Movies: An Introduction to Film
Building on students' enthusiasm for movies, this text is more successful than any other at motivating students to understand and analyze film.
This is a preassembled package of Looking at Movies (978-0-393-67469-9) and Writing About Movies (978-0-393-66490-4).
The Critical Eye: An Introduction to Looking at the Movies
Examines nineteen popular films, such as The Godfather trilogy, E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, and American Beauty, and shows how they convey a range of striking perspectives on the human encounter with God. Original.
Looking at Movies (Sixth International Student Edition)
The only writing guide a film student will ever need