The most authoritative cognitive neuroscience text is also the most accessible. The first textbook for the course, and still the market leader, Cognitive Neuroscience has been thoroughly refreshed, rethought, and reorganized to enhance students’ and instructors’ experience. A stunning, all new art program conveys data and concepts clearly, and new chapter-opening Anatomical Orientation figures help students get their bearings. The table of contents and the chapters themselves have been reorganized to improve the logical flow of the narrative, and the world renowned author team has kept the book fully up to date on the latest research in this fast moving field.
The table of contents and the chapters themselves have been reorganized to improve the logical flow of the narrative, and the world renowned author team has kept the book fully up to date on the latest research in this fast moving field.
Cognitive Neuroscience: A Reader provides the first definitive collection of readings in this burgeoning area of study.
Written in an engaging style by a leading researcher in the field, and presented in full-color including numerous illustrative materials, this book will be invaluable as a core text for undergraduate modules in cognitive neuroscience.
These essays on a range of topics in the cognitive neurosciences report on the progress in the field over the twenty years of its existence and reflect the many groundbreaking scientific contributions and enduring influence of Michael ...
"The fourth edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences continues to chart new directions in the study of the biologic underpinnings of complex cognition - the relationship between the structural and physiological mechanisms of the nervous ...
This book will provide the reader with a solid overview of the mechanisms and models in the neuroscience of attentional control and selection from leading authorities working in humans and animals, and incorporating a array of neuroscience ...
Published by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. The rectangular box at the bottom of Figure 4.10 contains a representation of possible activities. These are all the cognitive processes or tasks that need attention.
In this book we are trying to illuminate the persistent and nag ging questions of how mind, life, and the essence of being relate to brain mechanisms.
Introduction to computer modeling of the brain, to understand how people think.
A fresh take on contemporary brain science, this book presents neuroscience—the scientific study of brain, mind, and behavior—in easy-to-understand ways with a focus on concepts of interest to all science readers.