Looking at Movies: Buch
Two DVDs complement and elaborate on key concepts in the text.
The Seventh Edition features new and refreshed video, assessment, and interactive media, making the bookÕs pathbreaking media program more assignable and gradable than ever before.
Building on students' enthusiasm for movies, this text is more successful than any other at motivating students to understand and analyze film.
The Critical Eye: An Introduction to Looking at the Movies
Examines nineteen popular films, such as The Godfather trilogy, E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, and American Beauty, and shows how they convey a range of striking perspectives on the human encounter with God. Original.
The Fourth Edition is not only more comprehensive, but also more accessible and sophisticated in its integration of media.
Written by the director of the writing program at Dartmouth College and the authors of the leading introductory film-studies text, Writing About Movies is the only writing guide a student of film will need.
Audrey gave up on romance before meeting aspiring filmmaker Harry at the cinema where they work, but soon they are deeply in love--and not like it is portrayed in movies.
Looking at Movies, Second Edition, offers students everything they need to understand and appreciate film: a visually dynamic presentation, more help with film analysis than any other text, and a sophisticated and integrated media package ...