In what ways do films influence and interact with society? What social forces determine the kinds of movies that get made? How do movies reinforce—and sometimes overturn—social norms? As societies evolve, do the films that were once considered ‘great’ slip into obscurity? Which ones? Why? These questions, and many others like them, represent the mainstream of scholarly film studies today. In Engaging Cinema, Bill Nichols offers the first book for introductory film students that tackles these topics head-on. Published in a handy 'trade paperback' format, Engaging Cinema is inexpensive and utterly unique in the field—a perfect complement to or replacement for standard film texts.
Engaging Film Criticism examines recent American cinema in relationship to its «imaginative intertexts», films from earlier decades that engage similar political and cultural themes.
... 1992 , 3 . 17. See R. Manvell , " Geography and the Documentary Film , " Geographical Magazine 29 ( 1959 ) : 417-22 ... Review , " Journal of Ge- ography in Higher Education 10 ( 1986 ) : 77-88 . 18. Stuart C. Aitken , " I'd Rather Watch ...
This book offers the first comprehensive and global coverage of this genre while presenting a framework in which to understand its intricacies.
Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G. and Tiffin, H. (1998) Key Concepts in PostColonial Studies, London and New York, Routledge Astruc,A. (1948) ... I (essays selected and translated by H. Gray), Berkeley, University of California Press Bellour, ...
In this revised, twenty-fifth anniversary edition of Engaging Characters, Smith refines and extends the arguments of the first edition, with a substantial new introduction reviewing the debates on emotion, empathy, and film spectatorship ...
This revised, 25th anniversary edition refines and extends the arguments of the first edition, reappraising the debates on emotion, empathy, and film spectatorship that the book has inspired.
Not just for digital effects enthusiasts, this book is essential for anyone interested in how to approach film critically: it is a toolbox for contemporary film analy
Two DVDs complement and elaborate on key concepts in the text.
C: Only Cameron and Amy. Q: Could you tell us about Cameron? C: Cameron is a very interesting woman. She's a painter. She's the woman in SOFT FICTION who talked about the young girl with the flush face and who had a man who wanted to ...
Noël Carroll, a brilliant and provocative philosopher of film, has gathered in this book eighteen of his most recent essays on cinema and television—what Carroll calls “moving images.” The essays discuss topics in philosophy, film ...