The Contours of American History. Chicago: Watts, 1966. Wolff, Robert Paul, ed. 1984 Revisited: Prospects for American Politics. Westminister, Md.: Knopf, 1973. Wolfgang, Marvin E., ed. American Academy of Political and Social Science, ...
Cf. A. HUXLEY, BRAVE NEw WoRLD (Bantam classic ed. 1958); A. HUXLEY, BRAVE NEw WoRLD REVISITED (1965); G. ORweLL, 1984 (1949); 1984 REVISITED: PROSPECTs For AMERICAN POLITICs (R. Wolffed. 1973). * See UNITED NATIONs, DEPARTMENT OF ...
... Consultative Council, Highlands and Islands Development Bd., since 1970. Member, Commn. of Inquiry into Crofting, Inverness, 1951–54. Publs: The Shinty Boys, 1963; The Rough Road, 1965; Ponies for Hire, 1967; The New Tenants, ...
70 Frances Fox Piven, "The Urban Crisis: Who Got What and Why," in Robert Paul Wolff, ed., 1984 Revisited: Prospects for American Politics (New York: Knopf, !973)> P- l83- 71 Piven and Cloward, Regulating the Poor.
This book shows how a machine political, local Democratic organization in Brooklyn failed to make the transition necessary to survive in modern urban political life.
In his exploration of the historical origins of this development, Frank Furedi argues that the principal driver of the ‘crisis of identity’ was and continues to be the conflict surrounding the socialisation of young people.
Leon Litwack, Been in the Storm So Long (New York: Vintage Books, 1980), 186–87. Page 79: The letter first appeared in the Cincinnati Commercial and was reprinted in the New York Tribune of August 22, 1965. It is reproduced here from ...
(CRS 36) President Jimmy Carter sends Ramsey Clark, former attorney general, William Miller, Senate Intelligence Committee staff chief, to Iran to negotiate hostage release; Khomeini refuses to meet them. (CRS 36) 8 November 1979 US ...
Familiar motivational pieces for the holiday season using the same concepts introduced in the corresponding Lesson Book. Contains teacher duet accompaniments for an enhanced musical experience. Titles: Angels We Have...
Congressional Primaries and the Politics of Representation explores the ways in which congressional primary elections appear to be changing in the face of electoral and congressional politics.