Best Encyclopedias: A Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias
This volume evaluates over 160 general, and over 400 subject-specific, encyclopaedias, including recent electronic packages. This new edition features concise reviews, comparison charts, and a directory of publishers and suppliers.
The aim of this book was to restore confidence in the Christian Church which Augustine said would take the place of the earthly city in Rome . 26. Random House , The New Universal Family Encyclopedia , p . 602 . 27. Random House , p .
A new family encyclopedia ; or compendium of universal knowledge : comprehending a plain and practical view of those subjects most interesting to persons in ordinary professions of life . 7th edition . Revised and improved .
Classification of countriesbycolonial country is from: The New Universal Family Encyclopedia. Jackt Randon House Inc.c1985. THE DATA AT INDEPENDENCE I. FORMER ENGLISH COLONIES COUNTRIES POPULATION ACADEMICS % OF ACADEMICS II—— ZIMBABWE ...
The “New Universal Family Encyclopedia” by Random House tells us the Brontosaurus was an herbivorous (plant-eating) dinosaur capable of weighing up to 30 tons. It had massive pillar-like legs, a long neck and tail.
The New Universal Family Encyclopedia by Random House, tells us the brontosaurus was an herbivorous (planteating) dinosaur capable of weighing up to 30 tons. It had massive pillar-like legs, a long neck and tail. This giant.
The philosophy of entitlement predominated and two new universal welfare programs were introduced. The first, the Family Allowance Act, introduced in 1944, was the only universal welfare program specifically paid out to women.
Reference Books Bulletin, 1986-1987
Describes and evaluates adult, young adult, children's, and specialized encyclopedias