Contains action photographs from the Vietnamese conflict, with terse text by the photographer, Tim Page.
Edited with Stephen Dupont, this book is Page's intricate look at his contact sheets and single images from those sheets, as well as the chronicle and notes of his diaries made about all he experienced during this intense period.
Between the French Indochina war of the fifties and the fall of Phnom Penn and Saigon in 1975, 134 photographers from different nations were killed. Horst Faas, two-times Pullitzer Prize...
"Another Vietnam presents the view of the North Vietnamese combat photographers who documented their people's 30-year struggle, first against the French and then against the Americans. Intended above all to...
Page After Page
The Things They Carried won France's prestigious Prix du Meilleur Livre Etranger and the Chicago Tribune Heartland Prize; it was also a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award.
"The best book to have been written about the Vietnam War" (The New York Times Book Review); an instant classic straight from the front lines.
" So wrote The New York Times of Tim O'Brien's now classic novel of Vietnam. Winner of the 1979 National Book Award, Going After Cacciato captures the peculiar mixture of horror and hallucination that marked this strangest of wars.
The three of them are duly dispatched to the McCrindle farm, where they finish off the work, then go to England where, after rain-sodden days bashing in fence posts, they wolf down baked beans in their shared caravan and spend their ...
DERAILED IN UNCLE HO'S VICTORY GARDEN is the story of one man's odyssey through the countries that have dominated his life. Offbeat, wild, impressionistic, Tim Page never fails to move and entertain.
In this wonderfully irreverent novel, evocative of vintage Max Shulman, hearty belly laughs contrast with chilling insights into high level political machinations."