Billy , 144 , 145 , 150 , 154 Mitchell , Charles , 154 Mitman , Gregg , 121 Moffett , Adm . William , 154 Mönichkirchen , 121 Monroe Doctrine , 186 Monte Rosa , 43 Montesquieu , Baron de ( Charles de Secondat ) , 6 , 228 , 229 ...
(德)哈拉尔德·韦尔策尔 (Harald Welzer), 汉斯-格奥尔格·泽弗纳 (Hans-Georg Soeffner), 达娜·吉泽克 (Dana Giesecke), 金海民译. 对待生命的普世历史,怎么对待普世的思想呢?气候危机要求同时沿着两条思路进行思考,以便将不能结合的资本和物种的历史纪年 ...
Sridharan , U. C. , Reimann , B. , and Kaufman , F. , Kinetics of the reaction OH + H , O , HO , + H , O , J. Chem . ... Luther , F. M. , Chang , J. S. , Duewer , W. H. , Penner , J. E. , Tarp , R. L. , and Wuebbles , D. J. , Potential ...
These extensive activities explore many aspects of acid rain and its effects on our environment. Students learn about acids, the pH scale, make flake lakes, determine how the pH of...
Safer Skies: Aviation Weather Research : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Technology, Environment, and Aviation of the Committee on Science,...
In early November 1913, not quite 19 months after the loss of the Titanic in midatlantic, an autumn gale descended on the Great Lakes. Gales of November - like the...
This book is unique in bringing together the diverse concepts and ideas of meteorologists, atmospheric physicists and oceanographers into a single coherent account of the fluid environment, with emphasis on...