Examines personal voter registration, describes its supporters, and what is needed to maintain an active electorate.
Why Americans Still Don't Vote brings the story up to the present.
The volume begins with an introduction to elections that includes a discussion of the history of voting in the United States. Each subsequent chapter covers a different topic relative to registration and voting.
Now, she dresses simply injeans and sweatshirts to be comfortable as she gardens, cooks, and works on her many craft projects. She follows her kids' progress in school closely—middle son Matthew, a 12-year-old sixth grader, ...
Hanushek, Eric A., John F. Kain, and Steven G. Rivkin. 2004. “Disruption versus Tiebout improvement: The costs and benefits of switching schools.” Journal of public Economics 88(9):1721–1746. Hart, Sara A., Stephen A. Petrill, ...
This expanded edition includes new data and easy-to-read graphics explaining the 2008 election. Red State, Blue State, Rich State, Poor State is a must-read for anyone seeking to make sense of today's fractured political landscape.
1991; Cho 1999; Wong 2000; Welch and Sigelman 1993; Uhlaner and García 2005; de la Garza et al. 1992). A slightly more nuanced version of this assimilationist model identifies a specific mechanism through which ethnic interests become ...
Who Votes Now? compares the demographic characteristics and political views of voters and nonvoters in American presidential elections since 1972 and examines how electoral reforms and the choices offered by candidates influence voter ...
Other scholars suggest that people don't vote because campaigns are uninspiring. This book poses a new theory: uncertainty about the national context at the time of the election.
From the award-winning author of Out of Order—named the best political science book of the last decade by the American Political Science Association—comes this landmark book about why Americans don’t vote.
This book provides a clear-headed and middle-way path to a better-functioning society in which personal responsibility is honored and inclusive capitalism and more broadly shared growth are once more the norm.