During the summer of 1944, ten-year-old Cam Reed fights a few important battles of his own in Pinehill, North Carolina while his daddy is in Europe fighting the Germans.
The Head Military Archivist at the College Park National Archives is responsible for the title for this book, when he told the author, "You have discovered the best kept secret of World War Two and you are proving it.
This is a history of Canada's World War II involvement in breaking the codes and ciphers of both enemy and friendly nations to gather military and diplomatic information. Although Canada...
Does he become a millionaire? Does he go to Cambridge? Is his life in danger? Best Kept Secret, the third volume in Jeffrey Archer's bestselling series, will answer all these questions but, once again, pose so many more.
The story of the real motive behind the death of General Patton.
Captivating and suspenseful, Best Kept Secret, the third novel in international bestseller Jeffrey Archer's outstanding the Clifton Chronicles, sees our hero Harry Clifton and Giles Barrington, brother of Harry's beloved wife Emma, become ...
The best-kept secret. Recendy, reading Studs Terkel's The Good War, an oral history of the Second World War, I found myself resonating with the same pique that impelled him to go out and grab the testimony, the stories of those who'd ...
A founder of a leading private intelligence company offers a geopolitical, inside analysis of the truth about America's true foreign policy in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other locations around the world, examining covert and overt efforts in ...
This book traces the Park's early history and provides a guide to the key wartime buildings and what went on behind the scenes.
I had a religion professor at Brigham Young University who often asked, What is the best kept secret of The Mormon Church?
Paterson did his best to calm the infuriated men. But he finally had to agree to let them leave camp and purchase meat from nearby farmers with their own money. When their cash ran out, they could give the owners of the cattle they ...