[The book] is designed both to explain the major personality theories and to stimulate critical thinking about them. [The author] has pursued four main objectives. To present a clear and concise picture of the major features of each important personality theory ... To focus on significant ideas and themes that structure the content of the different personality theories ... To provide criteria to guide the evaluation of each theory ... To present activities, informed by the tenets of each theory, that will provide growth in critical thinking skills.-Pref.
(美)拿破仑·希尔著 ... 帕特(Napoleon Bonaparte)威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)拉尔夫·威尔杜·埃默森(Ralph Waldo Emerson)罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)艾尔伯特·加里(Elbert H. Gary) ...
当你看到自己在山脚下的时候,你想要达到的目标是在顶端,它会让你感到难以克服。但是,如果你改变了你的观点,一次只迈出了一小步,那么这个巨大的任务就会突然变得可行。让我们考虑一个城市,因为它刚刚赢得了奥运会的主办权。最成功的奥运管理团队是做什么的 ...
系统排列大师海灵格将引导读者一起来看人际关系的成功与在事业及专业领域上的成功,其两者内在的关联性,共同探讨那些带来成功与守护成功的爱的法则。在这本书里,将为读者 ...
... a place in the mess hall out of sight of the Fletcherist who solemnly chewed his food twenty-eight times before swallowing. “In a polar camp, ” says Admiral Byrd, “little things like that have the power to drive even disciplined men ...
For example, we encounter Paul Lawson, the father of Lulu Lawson, with whom the adult Sylvia now has an affair. He serves as the substitute father figure. Recall again the early stages of My Father's House when Sylvia felt jealous of ...