Both timely and fascinating Women in Power takes a close look at the new cadre of women in high elected office today who have redefined the model of leadership in American politics. With a rallying cry for women to enter politics in greater numbers, Cantor offers a groundbreaking look at how daughters become leaders. The insights here will inspire women to take power in every area of their lives.
★英國亞馬遜書店四顆星半★ 高度評價 《沃金斯評論》評選世界100最具精神影響力人物 生命,不會照著我們的計畫走,若想要變得更好,就是認真面對最糟的部分,並發自內心接納 ...
歐美最受歡迎的心靈作家告訴你: 信念越強,心靈的力量也越大。 只要你願意相信,每天一點小改變,奇蹟就會發生。 國際知名媒體、名人對作者一致讚譽有加 ...
認識自己的身心系列繪本 人們常說「身與心是密不可分的」, 恐懼、傷痛等心理感受,又或者疼痛等生理狀況, 有很多是大腦利用身體發出的警告信號。 ...
認識自己的身心系列繪本 人們常說「身與心是密不可分的」, 恐懼、傷痛等心理感受,又或者疼痛等生理狀況, 有很多是大腦利用身體發出的警告信號。 ...
Another mechanism used to explain choice behavior , melioration , was proposed in 1980 by Herrnstein and Vaughan ( see also Vaughan , 1981 , 1985 ) . Melioration refers to bettering a situation . Herrnstein and Vaughan suggested that ...
Contains quotations, reflection questions, and stories designed to help individuals figure out how they can make a difference and create life of significance.
... covert , or semiformal — that were extended to the DPRK by Western governments in the kangsong taeguk period , we might well discover that the ratio of such outside assistance to local commercial earnings began to approach the scale ...
Biofeedback and Behavioral Medicine
세계에서 가장 똑똑한 이들조차 불행을 피하지 못한다. 이 막막한 인생에서 무엇을 붙잡고 살아야 하는가. 하버드의 종강일, 암 투병 중인 노교수가 들려준 ‘후회 없이 좋은 삶을 ...