Here, in two handsome volumes, are ten celebrated novels by the author acclaimed as "the best English novelist writing today" (Times Literary Supplement). Available singly and as a boxed set, The Novels of Muriel Spark is both a collector's item for Spark's loyal following and an ideal introduction for new readers. Volume 1 begins with Spark's best-selling The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961), whose Scottish schoolmistress remains one of the most memorable characters in modern fiction, and follows it with The Comforters, her first novel (1957), The Only Problem (1984), The Driver's Seat (1970), and Memento Mori (1959), a comic and macabre study of old age. Volume 2 continues with Loitering with Intent (1981), a fascinating story of how art and life imitate each other; The Girls of Slender Means (1963), whose resourceful young heroines of war-ravaged London are of Spark's own generation; The Abbess of Crewe (1973), the tale of a Watergate-style power struggle ingeniously set in a conven
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is Spark’s masterpiece, a novel that offers one of twentieth-century English literature’s most iconic and complex characters—a woman at once admirable and sinister, benevolent and conniving.
The brevity of Muriel Spark’s novels is equaled only by their brilliance. These four novels, each a miniature masterpiece, illustrate her development over four decades.
Happily loitering about London, c. 1949, with the intent of gathering material for her writing, Fleur Talbot finds a job “on the grubby edge of the literary world” at the very peculiar Autobiographical Association.
From Muriel Spark, the grande dame of literary satire, comes this swift, deliciously witty tale of writerly ambition that recalls her beloved The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.College Sunrise is a somewhat louche and vaguely disreputable ...
Based on a real London murder case, this witty, subversive novel follows Lord Lucan, a dissolute member of the British aristocracy, into the abyss as he is accused of killing his children's nanny while trying to murder his wife.
... Memento Mori 130, 133, 140, 162–72; Not to Disturb 140; The Only Problem 133, 136–7; The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 157–9; Robinson 19, 133, 140; Symposium 133, 144, 171 The Spectator 54 speed 22, 119 Spence, Basil 79, 83, 204 Spender ...
Edgecombe's approach brings to life the delicate nuances, rich allusions, and complicated ironies of Spark's fiction. His careful reading of the novels makes this a penetrating assessment of an important writer."--Publishers website.
... Sprach der Ton zum Töpfer (Germany, 2005); the short-story collections Scozia controluce (Italy, 1995), Rose di Scozia (Italy, 1997), Acidi scozzesi (Italy, 1998: a translation of the Rebel Inc. anthology Children of Albion Rovers), ...
Robbe-Grillet wrote in 1957: 'the demands of the anecdote are doubtless less constraining for Proust than for Flaubert, for Faulkner than for Proust, for Beckett than for Faulkner ... Henceforth, the issue is elsewhere; to tell a story ...
... Comforters (London: Macmillan, 1957) The Complete Short Stories (London: Viking, 2001) The Driver's Seat (London ... Memento Mori (London: Macmillan, 1959) The Public Image (London: Macmillan, 1968) The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (London ...