This textbook for college nonscience majors covers physics, chemistry, astronomy, meteorology, and geology.--From Preface.
The regular waves of swell that you might observe near a shore may have been produced by a storm that occurred days before , thousands of kilometers across the ocean . The regular , low - profile crests and troughs of swell carry energy ...
This skill-building workbook helps students build their confidence and understanding of concepts in the textbook. Answers to all questions are provided at the back of the workbook.
Concepts before computation is what this Hewitt text is all about. The text brings physics, chemistry, earth science, and astronomy together in a manner that captivates students' interest.
This guide provides simple, pre-class activities and experiments to complement instructors' courses. Instructions and answers to most of the laboratory questions are provided in the Instructor Manual.
Conceptual Physical Science: Explorations
Features more than 60 pages of practice problems with answers at the back of the workbook.
Conceptual Physical Science--explorations
Provides simple, pre-class activities and experiments to complement instructors' courses. Instructions and answers to most of the laboratory questions are provided in the Instructor's Manual.
Instructor Manual [to Accompany] Conceptual Physical Science
Overhead Transparencies & Teaching Guide: Conceptual Physical Science, Third Edition