Describes many of the natural wonders found all over the United States.
American democracy is the world's most beloved form of government, which is why so many other nations are eager for it to be imposed on them. But just what exactly is it?
Presents stories of significant events and people in American history, patriotic songs, and American folk tales and poems.
The host of the award-winning humorous news program offers tongue-in-cheek insight into American democracy with coverage of such topics as the republican qualities of ancient Rome, the antics of our nation's founders, and the ludicrous ...
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, a psychology professor at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, and an expert on twentysomethings, ascribes their optimism to their lack of life experience. “The dreary, deadend jobs, the bitter divorces, ...
Stephanie Rosenbloom, “Private Flying for (Some of) the Rest of Us,” New York Times, August 22, 2013, ...
But it is also a nation of xenophobia. In America for Americans, Erika Lee shows that an irrational fear, hatred, and hostility toward immigrants has been a defining feature of our nation from the colonial era to the Trump era.
Olson, Lynne, Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh, and America's Fight Over World War II, 1929–1941, New York: Random House ... Procter, Ben, William Randolph Hearst: The Later Years, 1911–1951, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Court orders University of Mississippi to admit black student, James Meredith. • “Cuban Missile Crisis” • U.S. lands rocket on Moon. • John Glenn becomes first American to orbit Earth. 1963 • U.S.S.R. and U.S. agree on nuclear test ban ...
Philip Van Cleave, President, Virginia Citizens Defense League: [The Australian gun ban] stopped one thing! That could also be a statistical anomaly. John Oliver: Yeah—it was just their mass shootings disappeared. Philip Van Cleave: But ...
The author is convinced that there is a ruling class in America today. He examines the American power structure as it has developed in the 1980s. He presents systematic, empirical...