New edition of a text first published in 1966 and most recently revised in 1985.
Student Workbook to Accompany Textbook of Basic Nursing, Fourth Edition
Student Workbook to Accompany the Fifth Edition of Textbook of Basic Nursing
This edition's comprehensive ancillary package includes curriculum materials, PowerPoint slides, lesson plans, and a test generator of NCLEX-PNĀ®-style questions.
The perfect study companion to Rosdahl's Textbook of Basic Nursing, 12th Edition, this engaging Workbook delivers essential review and practice to help students prepare for success on exams and in nursing practice.
This excellent study guide helps LPN/LVN students get the most out of the Textbook of Basic Nursing, Eighth Edition.
The worksheets are fully integrated with the text and offer exercises, questions, and learning activities for students.
The perfect study companion to Rosdahl and Kowalski's Textbook of Basic Nursing, Eleventh Edition, this engaging workbook helps students review and apply the knowledge they need to prepare for exams as well as nursing practice.
Study Guide to Accompany Textbook of Basic Nursing
Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. One person takes the responsibility for helping the other. There. CHAPTER 6 Working With Clients and Their Families 77 Maslow's hierarchy of needs Physical ...
A comprehensive patient assessment produces a great deal of data. ... changes Example:What change has Todd (MeetYour Patient) experienced in the 3 days ...